Now that we are settled in the wonderful new premises, we are starting with building the practice and team out further.
Wellbeing and your journey are close to our hearts, and with this in mind, we are working on streamlining things at Meyer Clinic with regards to booking appointments and visibility of all treatments. Your voice is really important to us, so please let us know if you have any specific comments.
We welcome a few new members to our team.
Selma is our wonderful and energetic practice manager, bringing a wealth of knowledge in the wellbeing industry to Meyer Clinic and together we are ready to raise the energy.
Our new facialist, Najoua, is joining us this month and she will be looking after all your facials and creating a bespoke experience in our beautiful clinic. So, get booked in, we all need self-care and pampering.
We are also excited to share yet another well-being meeting with Creations Salon in Chichester. The pro-active team at Creations, led by Carolyn and supported by Emma, hosts events with key speakers, specifically covering women’s health. The menopause as always is a hot topic. Please register for the event by clicking on this link