Lip Filler Appointments

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Meyer Clinic believe that lips should be natural looking and not overfilled or over plumped and are experts in subtle, effective enhancement. Book your appointment online now.

Throughout history full lips have been held up as an example of loveliness. Today there are many treatments available to enhance, plump and define lip contour. 

Meyer Clinic uses Dermal Fillers in tiny amounts to restore balance and hydration to the lips and this can be done with a needle or with a cannula. Asymmetry can often be corrected with treatment too and mouth corners can be supported, restoring balance to the whole face. Treatment effects can last up to 12 months.

If lines are the concern, Meyer Clinic is able to treat patients successfully too.  Lipstick lines go from the vermilion border (the demarcation between the lip and the face at the edge of the lip) outwards, either down towards the chin or up towards the nose can be a source of self-consciousness.

They are mainly formed by muscle movement and are sometimes referred to as “dynamic wrinkles”. People with very expressive or animated faces will tend to have more dynamic wrinkles. Each time the muscle in question contracts to form an expression, the skin attached concertinas.

This repetitive movement can result in a permanent line that, over time, can become a deeper wrinkle. At Meyer Clinic, we use different treatments to improve the appearance of these lines which are discussed in consultation with our patients. What may work for one set of lips, may not for another which is why all our treatments are bespoke to the individual.

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Related Treatments


A popular option with our patients dermal fillers are used to hydrate and add volume to the area around the mouth to reduce the appearance of lipstick and fine lines. As this area is particularly delicate to treat it is essential to find an experienced practitioner who is trained in the latest leading edge-techniques and is focused on natural-looking results.


At Meyer Clinic, our team of aesthetic therapists offer the latest treatments in skin rejuvenation. Blue Peel Radiance by Obagi is a superficial salicylic acid-based peel that can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth area. Skin is tighter, smoother and brighter-looking after just one treatment.


This gold-standard treatment uses targeted ultrasound energy to stimulate the deep structural support layers beneath the skin, without harming the skin itself. As new collagen and elastin is produced skin lifts and tightens, making Ultherapy® a wonderful option to improve the appearance of fine lines around the mouth.

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