At Meyer Clinic whether patients are in the perimenopause or menopause stage, suffer from premenstrual syndrome, have polycystic ovarian syndrome, or experience acne break outs during their monthly cycles, we can help rebalance the hormones that are causing these life stages and conditions.

Every woman goes through a stage when her hormones are not balanced and for some patients it is a more regular affair, than for others. Meyer Clinic can help manage these times. Whether the imbalance is part of the natural ageing process, or exacerbated by a poor diet, or simply due to a patient’s innate genetic system, there are hormone tweakments that can be done to improve symptoms.

Our 360 investigative approach to the body means we also consider a patient’s nutrition, balancing their insulin response, recommending the right exercise and help them manage stress levels, all of which are also powerful tools to support hormone imbalance. Alongside the right combination of hormones and supplementations, this approach can have a very positive impact on wellbeing.

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When we are stressed or are eating an unbalanced diet, this in turn can increase our cortisol (stress hormone) levels or our insulin levels (a hormone involved in blood sugar balance), both of which have a knock on effect on our oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone balance. Alone or in partnership with our hormone specialist Dr Annelize Meyer, Dominique can to help you to identify which of these areas is most likely to be affecting your hormones.

Eating too much refined carbohydrates or refined sugars can lead to spikes in our blood glucose which can act as a trigger for hormone dysfunction. Eating the right foods at the right time of day can help to rebalance our blood glucose and insulin levels which, in turn, can have a remarkable effect on hormonal symptoms.

Meyer Clinic offers DUTCH testing to help see exactly how your hormones are behaving as well as DNA Oestrogen genetic testing to help our team of experts understand your body better.

Hormone Balancing Treatments

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common female endocrine conditions and affects up to 10% or women of reproductive age.

Symptoms can include clusters of follicles forming around the ovaries, anovulation, irregular periods, amenorrhea and sub-fertility, as well as increased androgens (male hormones) leading to acne, hirsutism (excess body hair), weight gain and associated insulin resistance and blood sugar imbalance.

This multi-faceted condition requires a multi-faceted nutritional approach to help support a more normal hormone balance, as well as the underlying blood sugar imbalance which can contribute to weight gain and obesity.

Our nutritional technique at Meyer Clinic is a 360° approach to support you your nutrition, lifestyle and stress levels.

The menopause is a natural process that occurs when woman’s body begins to run out of eggs and the ovaries gradually begin to produce less and less oestrogen, until finally menstruation ceases.

Menopausal symptoms can be frustrating and exhausting if they start to affect your quality of sleep.

Nutritional Therapy can be extremely effective at helping many of the symptoms associated with the menopause such as hot flashes, poor energy levels, broken sleep and weight gain.

Eating well to balance blood sugars, avoiding external hormones from food and the environment as well as increasing natural plant phytoestrogens are all part of the complete menopausal nutritional package.

Nutritional Therapy, using diet and natural supplements may help support the symptoms and daily management of endometriosis. Looking at gut health, increasing colourful vegetables and fruits as well as looking into possible food triggers can be incredibly helpful in helping people manage the condition better.

Supplements, specific to endometriosis may also be recommended to provide further support.

Other Treatments


At Meyer Clinic we offer Personalised Nutrition with Award Winning Dominique Ludwig, an acclaimed Kings College London Nutritionist MSc., and registered Nutritional Therapist who is also BANT, CNHC and AFMCP accredited. With over 30 years working in the field of nutrition and 20 years as a Nutritional Therapist, Dominique is a leading expert in this field with a client list to match.

InBody Analysis

Body Composition Analysis is essential to have a complete picture of your body’s composition, health and weight, as traditional methods of assessing health, such as BMI testing, are less detailed and therefore can be misleading. InBody is the world’s leading body composition analyser which is used not only by top athletes around the world but in many countries for medical research.

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